Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Social Network

Unfortunately, this blog post is not a critical analysis of The Social Network (that movie rocked). Instead, this post will focus on cine-mate's social networking capabilities, especially in regards to privacy. In today's social climate, it is easy to find significant information about an individual, in simply a click of a button. This notion is scary, especially for an up-and-coming professional like myself. For example, Facebook may serve as a gateway for employers to see how stupid I am during the weekend. I am sure no employer would be impressed seeing me in a white jump suit, mouth open, with beer flowing down my esophagus (crazy things happen at theme parties). Fortunately, on cine-mate, none of this personal information is required. 

Cine-mate is not about the individual, but instead, about lurid discussion of pop-culture. A cine-mate member is not required to put in or share any personal information on the website. When a user makes a profile on cine-mate,  all he or she would be asked to include is movie, television and music preferences. Users are not linked via intimate details, but instead, through these aforementioned preferences.  In this aspect, a cine-mate user is safe from the prying eyes of the curious public sphere. 

Though there is a chat component in cine-mate, a user is not encouraged to share personal information. Cine-mate is a vehicle for pop-culture discussion. Hopefully, these chats will focus on rumors about Battleship or a new AMC show, not personal information. These "live-chat" discussions are only open to people participating in them; no one can just google a cine-mate avatar and see what he or she stated in a past chat. My hope is to make cine-mate a safe environment for pop-culture nerds everywhere. 

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