Monday, October 31, 2011

The Last Picture Show

What an amazing journey it has been to conceptualize, speculate and imagine about This project has made me aware how much needs to go into making a website. Content isn't the only end-all. In order for this site to run smoothly hardware for headquarters, interesting color schemes, and proficient privacy settings are necessary.
Reviewing another blogger has made me aware of the idea of having a simple and function interface. Websites like /Film showcase easy-sharing capabilities and the ability to connect to pages that the reader may find interesting. Since cine-mate is a social-networking and information blog, the idea of on-page sharing (through facebook or twitter) is very important. It would be great if cine-mate, facebook and twitter could work together in harmony, instead of contradicting each other.
Lastly, receiving comments and commenting on our peers has been very rewarding. It is always important to get reinforcement, whether a virtual pat on the book or a lurid question to make you think about ways to improve the blog. Commenting on others have allowed me to think critically about entrepreneurial ideas and ways that technology can bolster them. In the end, the project has shown me how ubiquitous technology is today. Things that were once viewed as science fiction, is now as quotidian as a pen and paper. If we embrace technology, I get the feeling we'll all live happily ever after.

The blogs I commented on: Chloe Guillemot   

Carly Sigel

Eileen Spath

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