Monday, October 10, 2011

The Sound of Music

An important component of cine-mate is sound. Contrary to popular belief, sound is a huge part of a film. Riveting scores can make or break tension and suspense in a film. One of the reasons why Friday the 13th was so scary can be attributed to the chilling "k-k-k ch-ch-ch" sounds before the killer would strike. Soundtrack also add a new layer of depth to a film. Movies like Pulp Fiction and Clerks are praised for how well their soundtracks compliment each scene. Due to this fact, sound and music is an important part of cine-mate.
The site will have a sound section. I hope users can download mp3, or even wav files, of specific songs or scores from movies. I would also like there to be a sound effect section, where amateur film makers can share and download sound effects in a large archive.
The soundtracks would mostly be in mp3 form. Users can enjoy them on their computer, ipod or smart phone. Sound effects will be in wav. Even though wav files take up more space, the quality is better, and that is important when making movies.

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